andria bartholomeusz

executive director/co-founder

A Trailblazer in Compliance and Operational Excellence ✨

Andria, a dynamic leader and co-founder of TAZ Capital, has established herself as a force to be reckoned with in the realms of compliance and operational management. Overseeing operations across the UK, Singapore, and the UAE, she has spearheaded the crafting of strategies and campaigns that have propelled TAZ Capital to new heights, ensuring the successful attainment of targets across all geographical locations.

With an impressive track record spanning over 16 years in the Banking and Finance industry, Andria has honed exceptional skills in Business Process Reengineering, Relationship Management and People Management. Her expertise in Business Banking and Portfolio Management has been instrumental in driving success, and her specialization lies in ensuring that business operations run smoothly without a hitch.

Andria’s qualifications in Strategic Management and Leadership are complemented by her strong emphasis on staying connected with people. She firmly believes in the power of collaboration, often echoing the sentiment, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with people.” This ethos is embodied in Andria’s leadership style, which fosters a culture of teamwork and shared achievement.

As a co-founder of TAZ Capital, Andria is not just a leader but a true collaborator in every sense. Her ability to bring together diverse teams, align their efforts, and cultivate an environment of cooperation has been instrumental in the company’s success. Andria’s unique blend of expertise, people-centric approach, and unwavering commitment to operational excellence make her a thought leader in the global financial landscape.